06 november, 2019

Hungarian Renaissance Sausage - Taste of medieval conviviality

The Hungarian Renaissance Sausage is a local product inspired by a recipe manuscript from 1588.  Produced only in Miskolc area, North-Hungary. The original name "Diósgyőri Vitéz Kolbász" refers the long traditions of the regio. The first settlers at the Eastern valley of Bükk Mountain arrived around 45,000 BP called Szeleta-Culture.

In the Middle Ages this herb sausage was a popular meat product in the vicinity of Diósgyőr town.
The first castle was built in the 12th century, In 1316 it was mentioned as "new castle", which confirms the theory that it was built in place of a destroyed castle. In 1330 the town around the castle was one of the richest towns of the county. The Pauline Fathers build monastery near the castle and made beautiful gardens to welcome and satisfy the visitors of the queen of Hungary over centuries.

Original medieval looks of Castle of Diosgyor  Source: Wikimedia

This premium quality product - unlike modern well-known sausages, it does not contain caraway, pepper or paprika. The pepper was a gold-equivalent pricey luxury spice and the chili paprika not arrived yet from America.  However, its unique, gentle seasoning is familiar to Eastern-European consumers through its well known ingredients. For the preservation of the sausage they use only common salt and cold smoking with beech. It does not contain any other preservatives, artificial additives, flavor, coloring, flavor enhancers. 

This basic ingredients are minced meat and lard from pork with casing traditionally made from intestine. The seasoning is only mixture of local green spices and salt.

The Susage  well dried, handmade between 20-30 cm pieces.

In October 2016, the Vitéz sausage from Diósgyőr won the right to use the Traditions-Tastes-Regions trademark (HÍR program). This means that the product qualifies as a traditional local quality premium product, which is generally recognized in the EU.

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